Man-Thing (2005) and the MECU that could have been
We live in glorious times and we
don’t even recognize it.
We live in the age of Comic Book
movies. All our dreams are manifest. An extended, immersive universe exists up
there on the screen and, for the first time in human history, a medium that was
once reviled, and (to some extent) nearly legislated out of existence, has
captured the imagination of the public in ways that its supporters could have
never dared to dream.
Yes, this is the era of the DCEU.
That’s DC Extended Universe, for those not completely in the know. An
interlinking series of films by a diverse set of directors and writers, yet
firmly controlled (editorially) by the governing heads of DC comics, these
films have opened new avenues of storytelling previously unseen beyond the
printed page. The sheer breadth of films released since this project began in
2005 (a dozen movies and counting) would have blown the collective minds of the
scores of the unwashed who skulked through the aisles of your local comics
Yes, those insular misanthropic
masses have been vindicated. And the stories and sagas that they jealously
held so close to their (literal) vests have, now, become the respected and
anticipated imagined property of the public at large. Superheroes are, at long
last, big business.
Mega business.
How did this happen? How did the ordinary
film-goer finally clue into the amazingly rewarding benefits of longform
fantasy storytelling? How did they come to embrace a yearly pilgrimage to the
multiplex to consume the next installment in a highly diverse, over-arching, multi-character, multidimensional, increasingly complex series of
stories in an interconnected universe that only existed (previously) in
monthly, graphic, serialized form?
We have to go all the way back to
2005 to look at the germination of this thing that we have grown to take for
In 2005, DC comics and Warner
Brothers studios embarked on an unheard of mission. To build a universe from a
single movie. A building block that would signal to the vast movie-going public
that there was a story to tell. A big story. And this story couldn’t be
contained in just one franchise or one hero. This was the story of us. Of who
we were as a people. Of what we could do in the face of adversity. Of how we
could stand up to the evil or the morally ambiguous and come out the other side
proud of what we had accomplished and what we did to get there.

Batman Begins was followed, in 2006, by Bryan Singer’s Superman Returns, a film whose title
would come to embody another aspect of DC’s continuing insistence that the
modern world was now ready for this kind of extreme storytelling. In Singer’s
film, Lois Lane publishes a Pulitzer Prize-winning article entitled “Why the
World Doesn’t Need Superman”, only to be proven, at film’s end, that she was
wrong; the World (and by extension, us) desperately needs Superman.
Nolan would continue to explore
Batman’s amorphous paradigm shift in two subsequent films, The Dark Knight and The Dark
Knight Rises, which would pit Batman against some more colorful and
expected villains, but with new realistic twists on their personalities, making
their motivations more morally ambiguous and Batman’s responses to them more
philosophical in nature and less “bang, bang, shoot ‘em up”.
The DCEU expanded beyond their
traditionally recognized screen characters to include Jonah Hex and (James Bond director) Martin Campbell’s Green Lantern, released, respectively,
in 2010 and 2011 (right in the middle of Nolan’s Batman trilogy), signaling
that the DCEU would be exploring properties heretofore never seen on the big
Two years later, Nolan, fresh
from the phenomenal success of his Batman trilogy, would take over the
producing reigns of the next Superman film. 2013’s Man of Steel would re-explore and re-contextualize Superman’s
origin and his battle with the Kryptonian, Zod, originally portrayed in Dick
Donner’s Superman films of the late 70’s and early 80’s. Nolan chose Watchman wunderkind Zach Snyder to helm
this re-interpretation of the beloved Superman mythos. Snyder continued to
build upon the darker themes of the Twenty-first century DC films, making
Superman’s fight with Zod brutal in its intensity and examining the collateral
damage caused tangentially during these battles between gods. Snyder followed Man of Steel in 2016 with Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice which
further explored the collateral damage theme, placing Batman against Superman
in an annihilation-sized event that was, again, more philosophical on its
surface than anything we’d ever before seen in a comic book movie.
BvS slyly introduced Wonder Woman into the mix and, in the same
year, Patty Jenkins directed the Amazon’s solo film to near universal acclaim,
followed by a full on Justice League
film, which added The Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg versus the minions of ultimate DC baddie
Darkseid (created by Jack Kirby). 2016 also saw an exploration of Batman’s more
ridiculous rogue’s gallery in Suicide
Squad, featuring The Joker and Harley Quinn (a fan favorite). 2018 brought
us an Aquaman solo movie directed by genre darling James Wan (the Saw, Insidious
and Conjuring universes, Furious 7). Response was overwhelming,
making Aquaman the highest grossing
film to date in the DCEU and the first to gross over a billion dollars.

Now, this week, DC and Warner
Brothers are about to release Shazam!,
a film featuring DC’s true, original Captain Marvel (no longer called Captain
Marvel because of rights issues). Advance word is over the moon and the DCEU
seems set on continuing (or even improving upon) their decade plus winning streak.
But what ever happened to their
rival comics publisher, Marvel? Why hasn’t there been a spate of Marvel
Extended Cinematic Universe films to rival DC’s supremacy? Why is there no MECU
to give us the connected adventures of the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man and the
X-Men? It would seem to be a no-brainer, even given the enormous amount of
catch-up they would have to do to get to DCEU levels.
The fact is that Marvel, despite
having the most popular comic properties on the planet, doesn’t own the rights
to the majority of their prestigious characters. Here’s the story:
In the late 1990’s when the comic
boom went bust, independent company Marvel (unlike DC, which has been owned by
the industrial conglomerate Warner Brothers [a subsidiary of AT&T’s
WarnerMedia] since 1967) found itself hemorrhaging money. In order to stay
afloat, Marvel sold off the film rights to their core characters. In addition
to the ones mentioned above, Marvel lost cinematic control of the Hulk,
Daredevil, Ghost Rider, The Punisher and just about anyone else that you could
ever care about.
With Marvel’s properties in the hands of others, there is no way that they could make anything resembling
an interconnected series of films. Fox has the X-Men and The Fantastic Four.
Sony has Spider-Man. It’s not in their interests to work together. But Marvel
did try once.

Marvel chose to focus on a
relatively obscure character, a sort of Swamp Thing-ish copy of a rambling,
shambling, muck monster called Man-Thing. “Let’s throw it out there,” they
thought. “And we’ll make it a horror picture because you can’t lose money with
horror. Let’s just see what it does. Man-Thing.”
Well, Lionsgate took the ball and
ran with it, cutting Marvel completely out of the loop. They moved the entire
production to Australia. No one from Marvel wanted to go to there, so they just
sat back and let it all happen. Avi Arad (then CEO of Marvel Studios) has been
quoted as saying “The one hiccup we had was the one project we didn't
micromanage. We were not going to the Outback, there was so much going on. We
will never do that again. We should never have trusted anybody that far away
without our supervision. Thankfully it was a small movie and not a disaster. If
we were there and on top of it, it would have been a[n] amazing movie. I look
at the {horror} genre, and I think 'Shit, I can't believe this'. We've learned
our lesson.”
Man-Thing was a financial disaster, essentially putting the kibosh
on Marvel’s hopes to exert some kind of editorial control over their
properties. Now all of Marvel’s plans are scattered to the winds. They can just
sit back, watch what’s happening in the DCEU and dream of what could have been.
But, we say, Man-Thing (2005) is a pretty great little movie that has all of the
core elements that should be present in a world-building exercise. Directed by The Lawnmower Man’s Brett Leonard, this
film blends bits of horror and romance, Native American legend and
environmental concerns into a nicely cohesive mélange that never fails to
entertain and is always, always, on point with the original book’s intentions.
There are characters named for
the comic’s most prominent creators, Steve Gerber and Mike Ploog. Jack Thompson
(Cleeg Lars from Attack of the Clones)
shows up as the despicable polluting villain Fred Schist. Alex O’Loughlin (Hawaii Five-O) shines in an early role
as a mentally-challenged deputy. Australian Rachel Taylor (who I’ve got to say,
would make a great Patsy Walker) is the environmentally conscious school
teacher whose best friend is a Seminole shaman.
The creature himself (a
combination of practical and CGI effects) is frightening and sufficiently
intimidating. The film translates the essential conceits of the original page
better than most other comic book films (DECU included). And Australia as a
stand-in for the Louisiana swamp works brilliantly at times.
But Marvel was nonplussed. The
movie was dumped, rather unceremoniously onto the SyFy channel in 2005 and has
lived a buried existence ever since. It’s true that Marvel slept on this one,
but that doesn’t mean that you have to.
Oh, Marvel, why couldn’t you be like DC? Somehow, they managed to find the right formula to bring their extensive comic book universe to life on the big screen. Their “bench” of characters is so deep, they can churn out film after quality film for the next 50 years. Sadly, all we can do now is imagine a Marvel equivalent. No longer do we dare dream of seeing something like Guardians of the Galaxy or Luke Cage on the big screen. Marvel can only look back and think about what could have been.
Man-Thing is available to rent on Amazon Prime.
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